Savory, Summer Organic
Summer savory is a versatile herb with a peppery flavor and spicy aroma that can be used in many dishes. It’s similar to thyme and can be used interchangeably. Here are some ways to use summer savory in cooking:
MarinadesMix minced summer savory with garlic and lemon for a marinade for chicken or fish
StuffingUse fresh summer savory leaves and stems as a quick stuffing under the skin of chicken or chicken pieces
RubToss chopped fresh summer savory leaves and stems onto mushrooms or grilled peaches
GarnishUse summer savory to garnish lighter roast dishes
SaladsIncorporate summer savory into a vinaigrette to dress salads or top ripe heirloom tomatoes
Bean dishesUse whole sprigs of summer savory, including the flowers, when cooking broad beans or runner beans to reduce windiness. Summer savory can also help with digestive issues like gas, so it’s often included in bean dishes
Other dishesAdd summer savory to omelets or frittatas, or use it in casseroles, sauces, or paprikash
$5.00 – $15.75